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Sep 152013

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128196-01-0 ESCITALOPRAM

Escitalopram (also known under various trade names) is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of adults and children over 12 years of age with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Escitalopram is the (S)-stereoisomer (enantiomer) of the earlier Lundbeck drug citalopram, hence the name escitalopram. Escitalopram is noted for its high selectivity with serotonin reuptake inhibition. The similarity between escitalopram and citalopram has led to accusations of “evergreening“, an accusation that Lundbeck has rejected.[1]

Escitalopram has FDA approval for the treatment of major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in adults.[2]

Off-label uses

Escitalopram is sometimes prescribed off-label for the treatment of other conditions: social anxiety disorder,[3] panic disorder[4]and obsessive-compulsive disorder.[5] There is some evidence favouring escitalopram over the antidepressants citalopram andfluoxetine in the first two weeks of major depression.[6] Concerns of sponsorship bias with the studies are however noted.[6] In another review escitalopram and sertraline had the highest rate of efficacy and acceptability among adults receiving treatment for major depression with second-generation antidepressants.[7]


There is some controversy over selective publishing of SSRI clinical trials.[8] A meta-analysis analyzing published as well as unpublished trials found placebos to be similarly effective to SSRIs in treating mild depression, although SSRIs were more effective than placebo in more severe cases, with the magnitude of SSRI superiority increasing with increasing depression severity.[9]

A series of randomized, double-blind trials have found Escitalopram to be more efficacious and have fewer adverse effects than Citalopram.[10][11][12][13] Meta-analysis show a “small” but statistically significant improvement in effect strength [14][15] and some dispute these findings.[16]


Cipralex brand escitalopram 10mg package and tablet sheet

Escitalopram increases intrasynaptic levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin by blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitter into the presynaptic neuron. Of the SSRIs currently on the market, escitalopram has the highest affinity for the human serotonin transporter (SERT). The enantiomer of escitalopram ((R)-citalopram) counteracts to a certain degree the serotonin-enhancing action of escitalopram. As a result, escitalopram has been claimed to be a more potent antidepressant than citalopram, which is a mixture of escitalopram and (R)-citalopram. In order to explain this phenomenon, researchers from Lundbeck proposed that escitalopram enhances its own binding via an additional interaction with another allosteric site on the transporter.[42] Further research by the same group showed that (R)-citalopram also enhances binding of escitalopram,[43] and therefore the allosteric interaction cannot explain the observed counteracting effect. In the most recent paper, however, the same authors again reversed their findings and reported that R-citalopram decreases binding of escitalopram to the transporter.[44] Although allosteric binding of escitalopram to the serotonin transporter is of unquestionable research interest, its clinical relevance is unclear since the binding of escitalopram to the allosteric site is at least 1000 times weaker than to the primary binding site.

In vitro studies using human liver microsomes indicated that CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 are the primary isozymes involved in the N-demethylation of escitalopram. The resulting metabolites, desmethylescitalopram and didesmethylescitalopram, are significantly less active and their contribution to the overall action of escitalopram is negligible.


Escitalopram was developed in close cooperation between Lundbeck and Forest Laboratories. Its development was initiated in the summer of 1997, and the resulting new drug application was submitted to the U.S. FDA in March 2001. The short time (3.5 years) it took to develop escitalopram can be attributed to the previous extensive experience of Lundbeck and Forest with citalopram, which has similar pharmacology.[45] The FDA issued the approval of escitalopram for major depression in August 2002 and for generalized anxiety disorder in December 2003. Escitalopram can be considered an example of “evergreening[46] (also called “lifecycle management”[47])– the long-term strategy pharmaceutical companies use in order to extend the lifetime of a drug, in this case of the citalopram franchise. Escitalopram is an enantiopure compound of theracemic mixture citalopram, used for the same indication, and for that reason it required less investment and less time to develop. Two years after escitalopram’s launch, when the patent on citalopram expired, the escitalopram sales successfully made up for the loss. On May 23, 2006, the FDA approved a generic version of escitalopram by Teva.[48]On July 14 of that year, however, the U.S. District Court of Delaware decided in favor of Lundbeck regarding the patent infringement dispute and ruled the patent on escitalopram valid.[49]

In 2006 Forest Laboratories was granted an 828 day (2 years and 3 months) extension on its US patent for escitalopram.[50] This pushed the patent expiration date from December 7, 2009 to September 14, 2011. Together with the 6-month pediatric exclusivity, the final expiration date was March 14, 2012.

Brand names

Escitalopram is sold under the following brand names:

  • Animaxen (Colombia)
  • Anxiset-E (India)
  • Cipralex
  • Escital (Nigeria)
  • Citalin
  • Citram (Croatia)
  • Ecytara (Slovenia)
  • Elicea
  • Entact (Greece)
  • Escitalopram Actavis (Finland)
  • Escitil (Czech Republic)
  • Esitalo (Australia)
  • Esopram, by Actavis (Iceland)
  • Esto (Israel)
  • Escitalopram Teva (Israel)
  • Exodus (Brazil)
  • Lexam
  • Lexamil (South Africa)
  • Lexapro
  • Losita (Bangladesh)
  • Nexito
  • Reposil (Chile)
  • Selectra (Russia)
  • Selpram (Pakistan)
  • Seroplex
  • Sipralexa (Belgium)


  1. a b c NHS pays millions of pounds more than it needs to for drugsThe Independent. Retrieved 05/10/2011.
  2. ^ “Escitalopram Oxalate”. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  3. ^ Kasper, S; Stein, DJ; Loft, H; Nil, R (2005). “Escitalopram in the treatment of social anxiety disorder: Randomised, placebo-controlled, flexible-dosage study”. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 186 (3): 222–6.doi:10.1192/bjp.186.3.222PMID 15738503.
  4. ^ Stahl, SM; Gergel, I; Li, D (2003). “Escitalopram in the treatment of panic disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial”. The Journal of clinical psychiatry 64(11): 1322–7. PMID 14658946.
  5. ^ Stein, DJ; Andersen, EW; Tonnoir, B; Fineberg, N (2007). “Escitalopram in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized, placebo-controlled, paroxetine-referenced, fixed-dose, 24-week study”. Current medical research and opinion 23 (4): 701–11. doi:10.1185/030079907X178838PMID 17407626.
  6. a b Cipriani, A; Santilli C; Furukawa TA; Signoretti A; Nakagawa A; McGuire H; Churchill R; Barbui C (2009 April 15). “Escitalopram versus other antidepressant agents for depression”. In Cipriani, Andrea. Cochrane database of systematic reviews(2): CD006532. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006532.pub2PMID 19370639. CD006532.
  7. ^ Cipriani, A; Furukawa TA; Salanti G; Geddes JR; Higgins JP; Churchill R; Watanabe N; Nakagawa A; Omori IM; McGuire H; Tansella M; Barbui C (2009 February 28). “Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 12 new-generation antidepressants: a multiple-treatments meta-analysis”. Lancet 373 (9665): 746–58. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60046-5PMID 19185342.
  8. ^ Ioannidis JP (2008). “Effectiveness of antidepressants: an evidence myth constructed from a thousand randomized trials?”Philos Ethics Humanit Med 3: 14.doi:10.1186/1747-5341-3-14PMC 2412901PMID 18505564.
  9. ^ Fournier JC, DeRubeis RJ, Hollon SD, Dimidjian S, Amsterdam JD, Shelton RC, Fawcett J (January 2010). “Antidepressant drug effects and depression severity: a patient-level meta-analysis”. JAMA 303 (1): 47–53. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1943.PMID 20051569.
  10. ^ Ou, JJ; Xun, GL; Wu, RR; Li, LH; Fang, MS; Zhang, HG; Xie, SP; Shi, JG; Du, B; Yuan, XQ; Zhao, JP (2011 Feb). “Efficacy and safety of escitalopram versus citalopram in major depressive disorder: a 6-week, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, flexible-dose study.”. Psychopharmacology 213 (2-3): 639–46. doi:10.1007/s00213-010-1822-yPMID 20340011|accessdate= requires |url= (help)
  11. ^ Yevtushenko, VY; Belous, AI; Yevtushenko, YG; Gusinin, SE; Buzik, OJ; Agibalova, TV (2007 Nov). “Efficacy and tolerability of escitalopram versus citalopram in major depressive disorder: a 6-week, multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled study in adult outpatients.”. Clinical therapeutics 29 (11): 2319–32.PMID 18158074.
  12. ^ Colonna, L; Andersen, HF; Reines, EH (2005 Oct). “A randomized, double-blind, 24-week study of escitalopram (10 mg/day) versus citalopram (20 mg/day) in primary care patients with major depressive disorder.”. Current medical research and opinion 21(10): 1659–68. PMID 16238906.
  13. ^ Moore, N; Verdoux, H; Fantino, B (2005 May). “Prospective, multicentre, randomized, double-blind study of the efficacy of escitalopram versus citalopram in outpatient treatment of major depressive disorder.”. International clinical psychopharmacology 20 (3): 131–7. PMID 15812262.
  14. ^ Montgomery, Stuart; Hansen, Thomas; Kasper, Siegfried (28 September 2010). “Efficacy of escitalopram compared to citalopram: a meta-analysis”. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 14 (02): 261–268.doi:10.1017/S146114571000115XPMID 20875220.
  15. ^ Gorman, JM; Korotzer, A; Su, G (2002 Apr). “Efficacy comparison of escitalopram and citalopram in the treatment of major depressive disorder: pooled analysis of placebo-controlled trials.”. CNS spectrums 7 (4 Suppl 1): 40–4. PMID 15131492.
  16. ^ Trkulja, V (2010 Feb). “Is escitalopram really relevantly superior to citalopram in treatment of major depressive disorder? A meta-analysis of head-to-head randomized trials.”Croatian medical journal 51 (1): 61–73. PMID 20162747.
  17. ^ “Citalopram and escitalopram: QT interval prolongation—new maximum daily dose restrictions (including in elderly patients), contraindications, and warnings”.Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. December 2011. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  18. ^ Van Gorp, Freek; Whyte, Ian M.; Isbister, Geoffrey K. (2009). “Clinical and ECG Effects of Escitalopram Overdose”Annals of Emergency Medicine 54 (3): 404–8.doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2009.04.016PMID 19556032.
  19. ^ FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (2001). “Review and evaluation of clinical data for application 21-323”. Retrieved 2009-12-03.
  20. ^ Bolton JM, Sareen J, Reiss JP (2006). “Genital anesthesia persisting six years after sertraline discontinuation”. J Sex Marital Ther 32 (4): 327–30.doi:10.1080/00926230600666410PMID 16709553.
  21. ^ Clayton A, Keller A, McGarvey EL (2006). “Burden of phase-specific sexual dysfunction with SSRIs”. Journal of Affective Disorders 91 (1): 27–32.doi:10.1016/j.jad.2005.12.007PMID 16430968.
  22. ^ Lexapro prescribing information
  23. ^ Csoka AB, Bahrick AS, Mehtonen O-P (2008). “Persistent Sexual Dysfunction after Discontinuation of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)”. J Sex Med. 5 (1): 227–33. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2007.00630.xPMID 18173768.
  24. ^ Baldwin DS, Reines EH, Guiton C, Weiller E (2007). “Escitalopram therapy for major depression and anxiety disorders”. Ann Pharmacother 41 (10): 1583–92.doi:10.1345/aph.1K089PMID 17848424.
  25. ^ Pigott TA, Prakash A, Arnold LM, Aaronson ST, Mallinckrodt CH, Wohlreich MM (2007). “Duloxetine versus escitalopram and placebo: an 8-month, double-blind trial in patients with major depressive disorder”. Curr Med Res Opin 23 (6): 1303–18.doi:10.1185/030079907X188107PMID 17559729.
  26. ^ Davidson JR, Bose A, Wang Q (2005). “Safety and efficacy of escitalopram in the long-term treatment of generalized anxiety disorder”. J Clin Psychiatry 66 (11): 1441–6.doi:10.4088/JCP.v66n1115PMID 16420082.
  27. ^ Kasper S, Lemming OM, de Swart H (2006). “Escitalopram in the long-term treatment of major depressive disorder in elderly patients”. Neuropsychobiology 54 (3): 152–9. doi:10.1159/000098650PMID 17230032.
  28. ^ Guerdjikova, AI; McElroy SL, Kotwal R, et al. (January 2008). “High-dose escitalopram in the treatment of binge-eating disorder with obesity: a placebo-controlled monotherapy trial”. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental23 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1002/hup.899PMID 18058852.
  29. ^ Levenson M, Holland C. “Antidepressants and Suicidality in Adults: Statistical Evaluation. (Presentation at Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee; December 13, 2006)”. Retrieved 2007-05-13.
  30. ^ Stone MB, Jones ML (2006-11-17). “Clinical Review: Relationship Between Antidepressant Drugs and Suicidality in Adults” (PDF). Overview for December 13 Meeting of Pharmacological Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC). FDA. pp. 11–74. Retrieved 2007-09-22.
  31. ^ Levenson M; Holland C (2006-11-17). “Statistical Evaluation of Suicidality in Adults Treated with Antidepressants” (PDF). Overview for December 13 Meeting of Pharmacological Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC). FDA. pp. 75–140. Retrieved 2007-09-22.
  32. ^ Gunnell D, Saperia J, Ashby D (2005). “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and suicide in adults: meta-analysis of drug company data from placebo controlled, randomized controlled trials submitted to the MHRA’s safety review”BMJ330 (7488): 385. doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7488.385PMC 549105PMID 15718537.
  33. ^ Khan A, Schwartz K (2007). “Suicide risk and symptom reduction in patients assigned to placebo in duloxetine and escitalopram clinical trials: analysis of the FDA summary basis of approval reports”. Ann Clin Psychiatry 19 (1): 31–6.doi:10.1080/10401230601163550PMID 17453659.
  34. ^ Budur, Kumar; Hutzler, Jeffrey (June 2004). “Severe suicidal ideation with escitalopram (Lexapro): a case report”. Primary Care Psychiatry 9 (2): 67–68.doi:10.1185/135525704125004222.
  35. ^ Karch, Amy (2006). 2006 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide. Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, London, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Sydney, Tokyo: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 1-58255-436-6.
  36. ^ Malling, D.; Poulsen, M.; Søgaard, B. (2005). “The effect of cimetidine or omeprazole on the pharmacokinetics of escitalopram in healthy subjects”British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 60 (3): 287–290. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2005.02423.x.PMC 1884771PMID 16120067edit
  37. ^ “Lexapro – Warnings”. RxList. 12/08/2004. Retrieved 2006-10-22.
  38. ^ Alwan S, Reefhuis J, Rasmussen SA, Olney RS, Friedman JM, for the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Use of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors in pregnancy and the risk of birth defects. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2684–92.
  39. ^ van Gorp F, Whyte IM, Isbister GK. Clinical and ECG effects of escitalopram overdose. Ann. Emer. Med. 54: 404-408, 2009.
  40. ^ Haupt D. Determination of citalopram enantiomers in human plasma by liquid chromatographic separation on a Chiral-AGP column. J. Chrom. B 685: 299-305, 1996.
  41. ^ R. Baselt, Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man, 8th edition, Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 2008, pp. 552-553.
  42. ^ For an overview of supporting data, see Sánchez C, Bøgesø KP, Ebert B, Reines EH, Braestrup C (2004). “Escitalopram versus citalopram: the surprising role of the R-enantiomer”. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 174 (2): 163–76. doi:10.1007/s00213-004-1865-zPMID 15160261.
  43. ^ Chen F, Larsen MB, Sánchez C, Wiborg O (2005). “The (S)-enantiomer of (R,S)-citalopram, increases inhibitor binding to the human serotonin transporter by an allosteric mechanism. Comparison with other serotonin transporter inhibitors”.European Neuropsychopharmacology 15 (2): 193–198.doi:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2004.08.008PMID 15695064.
  44. ^ Mansari ME, Wiborg O, Mnie-Filali O, Benturquia N, Sánchez C, Haddjeri N (2007). “Allosteric modulation of the effect of escitalopram, paroxetine and fluoxetine: in-vitro and in-vivo studies”. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 10 (1): 31–40. doi:10.1017/S1461145705006462PMID 16448580.
  45. ^ “2000 Annual Report. p 28 and 33” (PDF). Lundbeck. 2000. Retrieved 2007-04-07.
  46. ^ “”New drugs from old”. Presented at the Medical Journal Club, Morriston Hospital, by Scott Pegler, pharmacist at the National Health Service, UK, on November 20, 2006.” (PPT). Retrieved 2007-04-07.
  47. ^ “New drugs from old”Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.)44 (10): 73–77. 2006. doi:10.1136/dtb.2006.441073PMID 17067118.
  48. ^ Miranda Hitti. “FDA OKs Generic Depression Drug – Generic Version of Lexapro Gets Green Light”. WebMD. Retrieved 2007-10-10.
  49. ^ Marie-Eve Laforte (2006-07-14). “US court upholds Lexapro patent”. FirstWord. Retrieved 2007-10-10.
  50. ^ “Forest Laboratories Receives Patent Term Extension for Lexapro” (Press release). PRNewswire-FirstCall. 2006-03-02. Retrieved 2009-01-19.
  51. ^ Harris, “A Drug Maker’s Playbook Reveals a Marketing Strategy”
  52. ^ Lexapro Fiscal 2004 Marketing Plan
  53. ^ “Forest Laboratories: A Tale of Two Whistleblowers” article by Alison Frankel inThe American Lawyer February 27, 2009
  54. ^ United States of America v. Forest Laboratories Full text of the federal complaint filed in the US District Court for the district of Massachusetts
  55. ^ “Drug Maker Is Accused of Fraud” article by Barry Meier and Benedict Carey inThe New York Times February 25, 2009
  56. ^ “Forest Laboratories, Inc. Provides Statement in Response to Complaint Filed by U.S. Government” Forest press-release. February 26, 2009.




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AstraZeneca pays $50 million upfront for Merck & Co cancer drug

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Sep 122013

AstraZeneca has licensed a drug which is in mid-stage studies for ovarian cancer from Merck & Co.

The pact centres around the US drug major’s MK-1775, an oral small molecule inhibitor of WEE1 kinase, a cell cycle checkpoint protein regulator. Preclinical data indicate that disruption of WEE1 may enhance the cell killing effects of some anticancer agents and the compound is in Phase IIa studies in combination with standard of care therapies for the treatment of patients with certain types of ovarian cancer………….read all at


MK-1775 is a potent and selective Wee1 inhibitor with IC50 of 5.2 nM; hinders G2 DNA damage checkpoint. Phase 2. IC50 of 5.2 nM

Chemical Name: 1,2-dihydro-1-[6-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-pyridinyl]-6-[[4-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)phenyl]amino]-2-(2-propen-1-yl)-3H-Pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-3-one

Elemental Analysis: C, 64.78; H, 6.44; N, 22.38; O, 6.39

CAS 955365-80-7


MW 500.61

Biological Activity:


A potent and selective Wee1 kinase inhibitor in vitro and in vivo.


MK 1775 abolishes cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDC2) activity by phosphorylation of the Tyr15 residue. It abrogates a DNA damage checkpoint (G2-phase), leading to apoptosis in combination with several DNA-damaging agents selectively in p53-deficient tumor cell lines. It is under clinical trial for advanced solid tumors.




H. Hirai et al. Small-molecule inhibition of Wee1 kinase by MK-1775 selectively sensitizes p53-deficient tumor cells to DNA-damaging agents. Mol. Cancer. Ther. 2009, 8(11), 2992-3000. [online]


S. Schellens et al. A Phase I and pharmacological study of MK-1775, a Wee1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in both monotherapy and in combination with gemcitabine, cisplatin, or carboplatin in patients with advanced solid tumors. J. Clin. Oncol. 2009, 27(15s), abstr 3510.


H. Hirai et al. MK-1775, a small molecule Wee1 inhibitor, enhances anti-tumor efficacy of various DNA-damaging agents, including 5-fluorouracil. Cancer Biol. Ther. 2010, 9(7), 523-525. [online]


CC Porter et al. Integrated genomic analyses identify WEE1 as a critical mediator of cell fate and a novel therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 2012, 26, 1266-1276.  [online]


MK-1775 is an inhibitor of Wee1, a kinase that phosphorylates CDC2 to inactivate the CDC2/cyclin B complex (regulating the G2 checkpoint). Since most human cancers harbor p53-dependent G1 checkpoint abnormalities, they are dependent on the G2 checkpoint. G2 checkpoint abrogation may therefore sensitize p53 deficient tumor cells to anti-cancer agents


MK-1775 inhibits phosphorylation of CDC2 at Tyr15 (CDC2Y15), a direct substrate of Wee1 kinase in cells. MK-1775 abrogates G2 DNA damage checkpoint, leading to apoptosis in combination with DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic agents such as gemcitabine, carboplatin, and cisplatin selectively in p53-deficient cells. In vivo, MK-1775 potentiates tumor growth inhibition by these agents, and cotreatment does not significantly increase toxicity. The enhancement of antitumor effect by MK-1775 was well correlated with inhibition of CDC2Y15 phosphorylation in tumor tissue and skin hair follicles. Our data indicate that Wee1 inhibition provides a new approach for treatment of multiple human malignancies. [Mol Cancer Ther 2009;8(11):2992-3000].


MK-1775 is a first in class Wee1 inhibitor that is well tolerated and shows promising anti-tumor activity in previously treated pts. for detail see:


Melatonin: It’s Not Just for Bedtime Anymore – Part 1

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Sep 102013

melatonin 300x200

Melatonin is a neurohormone that is produced in the brain, primarily by the pineal gland, from the amino acid tryptophan. Its most well known functions include helping to regulate sleep and the body’s circadian rhythm.

The amount of melatonin we produce is determined by how dark or light our surroundings are. Our eyes have specialized light-sensitive receptors that relay this message to a cluster of nerves in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN. The SCN sets our internal biological clock (circadian rhythm) while also regulating sleep. When our surroundings are dark, the SCN tells the pineal gland to produce melatonin, which is thought to trigger sleep. Some melatonin is also made in the stomach and intestines.

Melatonin: It’s Not Just for Bedtime Anymore – Part 1 read all at!


This Biotech Has So Many Reasons to Be Liked

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Sep 062013

This Biotech Has So Many Reasons to Be Liked
Motley Fool
With promising mid-stage results, the drug is expected to do well in phase 3 evaluation for pancreatic cancer.

Positive phase 3 results will open the door to the lucrative pancreatic cancer market, on top of the myelofibrosis market that is expected to



Oramed Submits Pre-IND Package to FDA for ORMD-0901 (oral exenatide)

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Sep 042013

Oramed Submits Pre-IND Package to FDA for ORMD-0901 (oral exenatide), an
JERUSALEM, September 3, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (nasdaqcm:ORMP) (, a developer of oral drug delivery systems, announced today that it has submitted a pre-Investigational New Drug capsule


Experimental Drug Shows Promise for Rare Genetic Disorder

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Aug 302013

Transthyretin, or TTR for amyloidosis

THURSDAY Aug. 29, 2013 — A new medication appears to be highly effective in combating a heredity-based form of the organ-damaging genetic disorder known as amyloidosis, according to researchers.

Amyloidosis refers to a family of more than a dozen diseases in which different types of abnormal proteins called amyloids lodge in major organs and nerves. These amyloids build up to the point that they cause damage and, ultimately, organ failure.

read all at


Transthyretin (TTR) is a serum and cerebrospinal fluid carrier of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) and retinol-binding protein bound to retinol. This is how transthyretin gained its name, transports thyroxine and retinol. The liver secretes transthyretin into the blood, and the choroid plexus secretes TTR into thecerebrospinal fluid.

TTR was originally called prealbumin[1] (or thyroxine-binding prealbumin) because it ran faster than albumin on electrophoresis gels.

Binding affinities

It functions in concert with two other thyroid hormone-binding proteins in the serum:

Protein Binding strength Plasma concentration
thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) highest lowest
transthyretin (TTR) lower higher
albumin poorest much higher

In cerebrospinal fluid TTR is the primary carrier of T4. TTR also acts as a carrier ofretinol (vitamin A) through its association with retinol-binding protein (RBP) in the blood and the CSF. Less than 1% of TTR’s T4 binding sites are occupied in blood, which is taken advantage of below to prevent TTRs dissociation, misfolding and aggregation which leads to the degeneration of post-mitotic tissue.

Numerous other small molecules are known to bind in the thyroxine binding sites, including many natural products (such as resveratrol), drugs (Tafamidis,[2] or Vyndaqel, diflunisal,[3][4][5] flufenamic acid),[6] and toxins (PCB[7]).


TTR is a 55kDa homotetramer with a dimer of dimers quaternary structure that is synthesized in the liverchoroid plexus and retinal pigment epithelium for secretion into the bloodstream, cerebrospinal fluid and the eye, respectively. Each monomer is a 127-residue polypeptide rich in beta sheet structure. Association of two monomers via their edge beta-strands forms an extended beta sandwich. Further association of two of these dimers in a face-to-face fashion produces the homotetrameric structure and creates the two thyroxine binding sites per tetramer. This dimer-dimer interface, comprising the two T4 binding sites, is the weaker dimer-dimer interface and is the one the comes apart first in the process of tetramer dissociation.[8]

  1.  Prealbumin at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
  2. a b Razavi H, Palaninathan SK, Powers ET, Wiseman RL, Purkey HE, Mohamedmohaideen NN, Deechongkit S, Chiang KP, Dendle MT, Sacchettini JC, Kelly JW (June 2003). “Benzoxazoles as transthyretin amyloid fibril inhibitors: synthesis, evaluation, and mechanism of action”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 42 (24): 2758–61.doi:10.1002/anie.200351179PMID 12820260.
  3. ^ Sekijima Y, Dendle MA, Kelly JW (December 2006). “Orally administered diflunisal stabilizes transthyretin against dissociation required for amyloidogenesis”. Amyloid 13 (4): 236–49. doi:10.1080/13506120600960882.PMID 17107884.
  4. ^ Adamski-Werner SL, Palaninathan SK, Sacchettini JC, Kelly JW (January 2004). “Diflunisal analogues stabilize the native state of transthyretin. Potent inhibition of amyloidogenesis”. J. Med. Chem. 47 (2): 355–74. doi:10.1021/jm030347n.PMID 14711308.
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Semisynthetic Latrunculin Derivatives as Inhibitors of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Biological Evaluations, Preliminary Structure–Activity Relationship and Molecular Modeling Studies

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Aug 292013

Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

The microfilament cytoskeleton protein actin plays an important role in cell biology and affects cytokinesis, morphogenesis, and cell migration. These functions usually fail and become abnormal in cancer cells. The marine-derived macrolides latrunculins A and B, from the Red Sea sponge Negombata magnifica, are known to reversibly bind actin monomers, forming 1:1 stoichiometric complexes with G-actin, disrupting its polymerization. To identify novel therapeutic agents for effective treatment of metastatic breast cancer, several semisynthetic derivatives of latrunculin A with diverse steric, electrostatic, and hydrogen bond donor and acceptor properties were rationally prepared. Analogues were designed to modulate the binding affinity toward G-actin. Examples of these reactions are esterification, acetylation, and N-alkylation. Semisynthetic latrunculins were then tested for their ability to inhibit pyrene-conjugated actin polymerization, and subsequently assayed for their antiproliferative and anti-invasive properties against MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells using MTT and invasion assays, respectively.

Semisynthetic Latrunculin Derivatives as Inhibitors of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Biological Evaluations, Preliminary Structure–Activity Relationship and Molecular Modeling Studies (pages 274–285)

Mohammad A. Khanfar, Diaa T. A. Youssef and Khalid A. El Sayed

Article first published online: 30 DEC 2009 | DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.200900430


Volume 5, Issue 2, pages 274–285, February 1, 2010

Negombata magnifica, a Red Sea sponge (background), is the natural source of latrunculin A. A series of latrunculin A derivatives were synthesized and tested for their ability to inhibit G-actin polymerization and breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion. Molecular modeling simulations (inset) were applied to improve the understanding of the SAR of latrunculins.



Study shows flavonoid Luteolin can block cancer cell signaling

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Aug 232013


Luteolin, a flavonoid compound commonly found in fruit and vegetables, has been found to be able to surppress the activity of cell signaling pathways (IGF and PI3K) that play key roles in growth of cancer cells.


The study, published in BioMed Central’s open access journal BMC Gastroenterology, suggested the possibility of developing novel therapies based on the plant flavonoid Luteolin against colon cancer, the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death in the Western World. Colon cancer cells have elevated levels of IGF-II compared to normal colon tissues.

Luteolin, commonly found in green peppers, carrots, olive oil, rosemary, peppermint, oranges and celery, has been shown by preclinical studies to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer activities. Earlier studies have found that luteolin could inhibit angiogenesis, induce apoptosis and affect carcinogenesis in animal models, suggesting the possibility to use this flavonoid as cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent.

A group of Korean scientist performed studies that show that luteolin inhibits the secretion of IGF-II by colon cancer cells and within two hours decreased the amount of receptor (IGF-IR) precursor protein. Luteolin also reduced the amount of active receptor (measured by IGF-I dependent phosphorylation).
It is noted in the publication that luteolin “downregulates the activation of the PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 pathways via a reduction in IGF-IR signaling in HT-29 cells; this may be one of the mechanisms responsible for the observed luteolin-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest”.
Colon cancer cells have elevated levels of IGF-II compared to normal colon tissues. It is thought that this is part of the mechanism driving uncontrolled cell division and cancer growth.

Prof Jung Han Yoon Park, the corresponding author of the publication, says “Our study, showing that luteolin interferes with cell signaling in colon cancer cells, is a step forward in understanding how this flavonoid works. A fuller understanding of the in vivo results is essential to determine how it might be developed into an effective chemopreventive agent”.


Luteolin is a yellow crystalline compound. It is a flavonoid; to be specific, it is one of the more common flavones.[1] From preliminary research, it is thought to play a role in the human body possibly as an antioxidant, a free radical scavenger, a promoter ofcarbohydrate metabolism, or an immune system modulator.[citation needed] If applicable to the human condition, these characteristics may inhibit cancer mechanisms. Basic research results indicate luteolin as an anti-inflammatory agent,[2] with other potential effects on septic shock.[citation needed] It has been suggested for multiple sclerosis on the basis of in vitro work.[3]

Luteolin acts as a monoamine transporter activator, and is one of the few chemicals demonstrated to possess this property.[4]

Natural occurrences

Luteolin can be found in Terminalia chebula. It is most often found in leaves, but it is also seen in rinds, barksclover blossom, and ragweed pollen.[1] It has also been isolated from Salvia tomentosa.[5]

In food

Dietary sources include celerygreen pepperparsleythyme, dandelion, perilla,chamomile tea, carrots, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, navel oranges, and oregano.[6][7]

It can also be found in the seeds of the palm Aiphanes aculeata.[8]


  1. Mann, John (1992). Secondary Metabolism (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 279–280. ISBN 0-19-855529-6.
  2. Johnson; Kelley, KW; Johnson, RW (May 2008). “Luteolin reduces IL-6 production in microglia by inhibiting JNK phosphorylation and activation of AP-1”Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105 (21): 7534–9. doi:10.1073/pnas.0802865105PMC 2396685.PMID 18490655.
  3.  Theoharides (2009). “Luteolin as a Therapeutic Option for Multiple Sclerosis”Journal of Neuroinflammation 6 (1): 29.doi:10.1186/1742-2094-6-29PMC 2768692PMID 19825165.
  4.  Zhao, G; Qin, GW; Wang, J; Chu, WJ; Guo, LH (2010). “Functional activation of monoamine transporters by luteolin and apigenin isolated from the fruit of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt”. Neurochemistry international 56 (1): 168–76. doi:10.1016/j.neuint.2009.09.015.PMID 19815045.
  5. A. Ulubelen, M. Miski, P. Neuman, and T. J. Mabry (1979). “Flavonoids of Salvia tomentosa (Labiatae)”. Journal of Natural Products 42(4): 261–3. doi:10.1021/np50003a002.
  6. Kayoko Shimoi, Hisae Okada, Michiyo Furugori, Toshinao Goda, Sachiko Takase, Masayuki Suzuki, Yukihiko Hara, Hiroyo Yamamoto, Naohide Kinae (1998). “Intestinal absorption of luteolin and luteolin 7-O-[beta]-glucoside in rats and humans”. FEBS Letters 438 (3): 220–4. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(98)01304-0PMID 9827549.
  7. López-Lázaro M. (2009). “Distribution and biological activities of the flavonoid luteolin“. Mini Rev Med Chem. 9 (1): 31–59.doi:10.2174/138955709787001712PMID 19149659.
  8. Lee, D; Cuendet, M; Vigo, JS; Graham, JG; Cabieses, F; Fong, HH; Pezzuto, JM; Kinghorn, AD (2001). “A novel cyclooxygenase-inhibitory stilbenolignan from the seeds of Aiphanes aculeata”. Organic letters 3 (14): 2169–71. PMID 11440571.


Single molecule fights heart disease on two fronts

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Aug 212013


Could antioxidant that also inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis be more effective than statins?
Researchers in Israel have identified an antioxidant that can lower cholesterol levels as well as eliminating free radicals. This compound could be a promising alternative to statins, the most prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs in the world.






Indian U-turn on diabetes drug ban

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Aug 212013


Pioglitazone increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin

Suspension of cheap and popular medicine reversed but will now come with new safety warnings






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