Worldwide Hepatitis C Market: CV Drugs Clinical Trials, Hepatitis C Pipeline Drugs Sales & Forecast 2018

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Jun 192014
WhaTech Channel: Reports Industrial
Published: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 20:34
Submitted by Market Research WhaTech Premium
News from: RnR Market Research

Hepatitis C market by 2018 is expected to grow more than 3 times from its current market size of 2012. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a complex public health problem, characterized by a high prevalence of chronic infection, an increasing burden of HCV-associated disease, low rates of testing, treatment and the prospect of increasing incidence associated with the epidemic of injection drug use.

Hepatitis C Market Overview

Hepatitis C is a leading cause of chronic liver disease, end-stage cirrhosis and liver cancer. Because of the slow progression and asymptomatic character of the infection, many people are unaware of having it. As a consequence, the infection is often diagnosed at a late stage when treatment options are limited. As no effective vaccine against the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been discovered so far the market is driven by therapeutics. The increase in the prevalence of the disease and the availability of new first-in-class therapies with better safety and efficacy profiles are expected to drive the growth of the HCV market. The growth in HCV drugs market is primarily attributed to high unmet need in the market which is expected to be fulfilled by strong pipeline candidates. Low levels of awareness and knowledge about HCV have been identified as a formidable challenge to prevention and care.

Complete report is available @ .

Renub Research study titled “Hepatitis C Market & Forecast, HCV Drugs Clinical Trials, Hepatitis C Pipeline Drugs Sales & Forecast – Worldwide” provides a comprehensive assessment of the fast-evolving, high-growth of Hepatitis sector. This 164 page report with 25 Figures and 2 Tables studies the Hepatitis C Drug Market Landscape. This report contains 7 chapters.

  • Hepatitis C Drugs Market & Forecast (Chapter 2)
  • Hepatitis C Approved Drugs Sales & Forecast (Chapter 3)
  • Hepatitis C Deals & Acquisitions (Chapter 4)
  • Hepatitis C – Pipeline Drugs Clinical Trials (Drugs in Phase III) (Chapter 5)
  • Hepatitis C – Pipeline Drugs Clinical Trials (Drugs in Phase II) (Chapter 6)
  • Hepatitis C – Pipeline Drugs Sales Forecast (Chapter 7)

Hepatitis C – Approved Drugs sales & Forecast Analysis (To 2016) (Chapter No. 3)

  1. Pegasys
  2. Pegintron
  3. Incivek
  4. Victrelis

Hepatitis C – Pipeline Drugs Clinical Trials (Drugs in Phase III) (Chapter No. 5)

  • Simeprevir (TMC 435) (Company: Janssen Pharmaceutical)
  • Faldaprevir (BI 201335) (Company: Boerhinger Ingelheim)
  • Asunaprevir (BMS-650032) (Company: Bristol-Myers Squibb)
  • PEG-Interferon Lambda (Company: Bristol-Myers Squibb)
  • Sofosbuvir (PSI-7977 or GS-7977) (Company: Gilead Sciences)
  • Daclatasvir (BMS-790052) (Company: Bristol-Myers Squibb)
  • BI-207127 (Company: Boerhinger Ingelheim)
  • ABT-450/r (Ritonavir) (Company: Abbott Laboratories)
  • ABT-267 (Company: Abbott Laboratories)
  • ABT-072/333 (Company: Abbott Laboratories)
  • Alisporivir (Company: Novartis)

Purchase a copy of this report @ .

Hepatitis C – Pipeline Drugs Clinical Trials (Drugs in Phase II) (Chapter No. 6)

  • Mericitabine (RG-7128) (Company: Roche)
  • Danoprevir/r (Ritonavir) (RG7227) (Company: Roche)
  • GS-9256 (Company: Gilead Sciences)
  • GS-9451 (Company: Gilead Sciences)
  • MK-5172 (Company: Merck)
  • Sovaprevir (ACH-1625) (Company: Achillion)
  • IDX-320 (Company: Idenix)
  • MK-8742 (Company: Merck)
  • ACH-3102 (Company: Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc)
  • IDX-719 (Company: Idenix)
  • PPI-668 (Company: Presidio Pharmaceuticals)
  • Setrobuvir (ANA-598) (Company: Roche)
  • VX-222 (Company: Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
  • GS-9669 (Company: Gilead Sciences)
  • GS-9190 (Tegobuvir) (Company: Gilead Sciences)
  • BMS-791325 (Company: Bristol-Myers Squibb)

Hepatitis C – Pipeline Drugs Sales Forecast (Chapter 7)

  • Simeprevir (TMC 435)
  • Faldaprevir (BI 201335) (Boerhinger Ingelheim)
  • Asunaprevir (BMS-650032)
  • Sofosbuvir (PSI-7977 or GS-7977)
  • Daclatasvir (BMS-790052)
  • ABT-450/r (Ritonavir)
  • ABT-072/333
  • Alisporivir
  • Mericitabine (RG-7128)
  • Danoprevir (RG7227)
  • GS-9256
  • Setrobuvir (ANA-598)
  • VX-222
  • GS-9190 (Tegobuvir)
  • BMS-791325

Data Sources

This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by Renub Research team of industry experts.

Primary sources include industry surveys and telephone interviews with industry experts.

Secondary sources information and data has been collected from various printable and non-printable sources like search engines, News websites, Government Websites, Trade Journals, White papers, Government Agencies, Magazines, Newspapers, Trade associations, Books, Industry Portals, Industry Associations and access to more than 500 paid databases.

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RnR Market Research

AmVac begins Phase III trial of Gynevac vaccine for bacterial vaginosis

 Phase 3 drug, Uncategorized, VACCINE  Comments Off on AmVac begins Phase III trial of Gynevac vaccine for bacterial vaginosis
Jun 192014
AmVac begins Phase III trial of Gynevac vaccine for bacterial vaginosis
AmVac has commenced a Phase III study of its Gynevac to assess the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in bacterial vaginosis (BV) treatment.

AmVac has commenced a Phase III study of its Gynevac to assess the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in bacterial vaginosis (BV) treatment.


Manufactured in accordance with the current GMP standards, the therapeutic vaccine is based on a blend of inactivated lactobacilli strains.


Love, cast in stone: Temples in India depicting erotic art

India is dotted with many glorious temples, but erotica on the walls of some arouses curiosity and even puzzles tourists. There are various theories about the reason for such vivid depiction of erotica–mass sex education, warding off natural calamities and the devdasi system. Due to the presence of 64 Yogini temples near Khajuraho, Padawali, Konarak/Lingaraj etc., scholars also attribute the erotic art to Tantric practices, which revolve around the ultimate union of the male and the female energy and forms referred to as Maithuna. Whatever the reason be, the brazenness or ethereal beauty of temple erotica will never cease to amaze us.

Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh

Built by the Chandela Kings who were greatly influenced by Tantric traditions, this temple is said to represent the ultimate seductress.

While the fine sandstone statues built earlier have a well rounded finish, the ones made later are more angular. In his history of the Kamasutra, Mc Connachie describes the amorous sculptures as “the apogee of erotic art”, where the twisting, broad hipped and high breasted nymphs, fleshy apsaras and extravagantly interlocked maithunas run riot along the surface of stone.

The various scenes of passionate love making, in acrobatic postures that sometimes border on the physically impossible, strike viewers. Look out for the bold panels of multiple partners engaged with each other. For an interesting perspective on Khajuraho, watch the Sound and Light show. The best time to visit is during the Khajuraho Dance Festival in the first week of February.

Markandeshwar Temple, Maharashtra

Near the naxal district of Gadchiroli, the Markandeshwar temple complex, by the River Wainganga, showcases a sprinkling of erotic art. A couple performing ‘fellacio’ will raise eyebrows. Know to be built by danavas (evil forces) in one night, the temple is made from stone, and follows Hemadpanth architecture. The annual fair during Mahashivratri attracts devotees from far and wide every year. Hiring a car from Nagpur is recommended, unless you fancy hitch-hiking with villagers past moonlit fields or changing several buses and autos. If you’re stranded, look for the dharamshala near the temple.

Padawali Temple,  Madhya Pradesh

In Morena district near the Chambal Valley, once notorious for dacoits, lies the fortress of Padawali. Two stalwart lion statues greet you at its entrance. The temple inside has earned the reputation being a ‘Mini Khajuraho’ due to the prevalence of erotic art. The difference between big brother Khajuraho and Padawali Temple, is that the erotic art here seems less acrobatic and more ‘real life’ and ‘doable’. The carvings of maithunas in various positions, ranging from simple to difficult almost brings the Kamasutra to life.

Ranakpur Jain Temples, Rajasthan

This marble temple of superlative beauty is a ‘vision in white’ with its domes, shikharas and turrets. Over 1,444 intricately carved marble pillars hold up the temple and a monolithic marble rock depicting over 100 snakes catches the eye. Look out for a panel depicting several experimental love making scenes, in a line with a central queen-like figure seated on a throne, with an amorous midget on her lap. It’s interesting to note that not only Hindus, but even Jains decorated temples with erotic art. It hints at how nudity had a religious connect due to the ‘Digambara’ ideology or the Tantric cult.

Sun Temple,  Orissa 

When I first visited the Sun Temple at Konarak in Orissa, as a giggly 16-year-old , I was  taken aback by how the panels revealed way more about the ‘birds and bees’ than our biology classes had taught us. My second visit recently, helped me appreciate the beautiful erotic art better. The brazenness of the sculptures here gives Khajuraho stiff competition; one of the most scandalous panels is of a dog licking a woman’s genital area. I overheard a guide say, “this was considered a cure for sex related infections, as the dog’s saliva has antibiotic properties.” Scenes of polygamy, polyandry and lesbian love are blissfully abundant.

An architectural genius, this temple shows the Sun God on a colossal chariot drawn by seven horses. The word Konarak is a combination of Kona (corner) and Arka (Sun).  The temple was previously located closer to the sea, but the magnetic properties of its stone caused shipwrecks. This, along with the dark colour of its stones, earned it the tile of ‘The Black Pagoda’. An interesting study in contrast is the famous Jagannath Temple at Puri, also referred to as ‘The White Pagoda’ due to its whitewashed walls. If you are an art enthusiast you must visit the Konarak Archaeological Museum nearby that contains fallen sculptures from the temple.

Sun Temple, Gujarat

It is believed to be the place where Lord Rama conducted a yagna here to purify himself of the sin of killing a Brahmana-Ravana. Like Konarak, its architecture is such that the temple catches the first rays of the rising sun. The most striking feature of the temple is a perfectly designed Kama Kunda (water tank) meant for ablutions and for a reflection of the temple in the water. It has lateral stone steps leading down to the tank, allowing both direct and diagonal descent from all sides. Carvings of men and women in various acts of sex with small midget like creatures are prominent. However, due to erosion the detailing of the stone carvings is blurred in places.

Osian, Rajasthan

Amidst the sand dunes of Thar, Osian has a cluster of Hindu and Jain temples dating back to the 11 century AD. The Sachiya Mata temple dedicated to the resident Goddess has a gorgeous carved archway leading up to the shrine and has some beautiful depiction of erotic love locked couples, complete with details like the bed on which the couples lie.

Virupaksha Temple, Karnataka
On the banks of the Tungabhadra River, this temple with beautiful pillars and towered gateways dedicated to Lord Shiva in his avatar as Virupaksha. It is one of the oldest functioning temples since the 7th century AD. A  panel  that catches the eyes depicts a nude woman being ‘admired’ by men and women around her. It is best to visit the temple, during the Hampi festival in November. While in the area, also check out the erotic art on the pillars of the Achyutaraya temple.

Several other temples in South India like Belur, Halebidu, Somanathapura and Nugguhalli, the Badami and Banashankari temples of the Chalukya times and the Vijayanagar temples of Bhatkal and Lepakshi also have a profusion of erotic art. The Meenakshi temple of Madurai and Veeraranarayan temple of Gadag have erotic sculptures on their Gopuram. (Information about other temples with erotic art in South India taken from

No one has summed up the beauty of erotica on temple walls better than Tagore while he was referring to Konarak, ‘The language of man here is defeated by the language of stone.’


Mesocrystals as a class of multifunctional materials

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Jun 192014

Graphical abstract: Mesocrystals as a class of multifunctional materials


Mesocrystals that consist of crystallographically aligned individual building blocks and controlled level of porosity in between exhibit unique structures and multifunctional behavior. A large number of mesocrystals have been successfully developed by different growth technologies, and various growth mechanisms are discussed. In addition to various self-assembly and growth techniques, considerable attention has been paid to the formation mechanisms where the crystalline colloidal nanoparticles are assembled into mesocrystals via interparticle forces or physical fields. Owing to their high surface area, controllable level of porosity, crystallinity of subunits, oriented subunit alignment, and elegant 3D network structure, the performance of mesocrystals may be superior to their nanocrystalline, single-crystal, and polycrystalline counterparts. There has been a surge in the number of applications demonstrated for mesocrystals over the past couple of years, showing their great application potential.


Mesocrystals as a class of multifunctional materials

Yanqiong Liu,a   Yu Zhanga and   John Wang*a
*Corresponding authors
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117574
Fax: +65 6776 3604 ;
Tel: +65 6516 1268
CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 5948-5967

DOI: 10.1039/C4CE00256C


The crystal structure and optical properties of a pharmaceutical co-crystal – the case of the melamine–barbital addition compound

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Jun 162014


Graphical abstract: The crystal structure and optical properties of a pharmaceutical co-crystal – the case of the melamine–barbital addition compound


The crystal structure and optical properties of a pharmaceutical co-crystal – the case of the melamine–barbital addition compound

M. Gryl, T. Seidler, K. Stadnicka, I. Matulková, I. Němec, N. Tesařová and P. Němec

CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 5765 DOI:10.1039/C4CE00178H

The melamine barbital co-crystal is a product of crystal engineering of non-linear optical materials composed of pharmaceutically active ingredients. The resulting crystal phase shows a non-linear effect higher than that of KDP. The material was characterized by means of X-ray diffraction and optical property measurements and calculations.

Graphical abstract: The crystal structure and optical properties of a pharmaceutical co-crystal – the case of the melamine–barbital addition compound!divAbstract

The crystal structure and optical properties of a pharmaceutical co-crystal – the case of the melamine–barbital addition compound

*Corresponding authors
aDepartment of Crystal Chemistry and Crystal Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Ingardena 3, 30-060 Kraków, Poland 
bDepartment of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Hlavova 2030, 128 40 Prague 2, Czech Republic
cDepartment of Chemical Physics and Optics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Prague 2, Czech Republic
CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 5765-5768

DOI: 10.1039/C4CE00178H


A new easy way to “clean” pharma ingredients; study

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Jun 122014


A new easy way to “clean” pharma ingredients; study

By Natalie Morrison, 28-Jun-2012

Scientists have uncovered a new simple way to “clean” genotoxic impurities (GTIs) in drug ingredients by mixing the solution with contamination-eating scavengers.


Continuous Processing in the Manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Finished Dosage Forms: An Industry Perspective

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Jun 122014

Abstract Image

Continuous Processing in the Manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Finished Dosage Forms: An Industry Perspective

DSM Innovative Synthesis B.V., P.O. Box 18, 6160 MD Geleen, The Netherlands
ACS Green Chemistry Institute, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, United States
§ AstraZeneca R&D Södertälje, S-151 85 Södertälje, Sweden
Org. Process Res. Dev., 2012, 16 (10), pp 1586–1590
DOI: 10.1021/op300159y
Continuous manufacturing as a way of producing fine chemicals, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and finished dosage forms is gaining widespread attention. Although potential benefits over traditional batch-wise production have been discussed at many occasions and appear evident, continuous processes are only slowly being implemented. The American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute Pharmaceutical Roundtable has defined “continuous processing” as one of its research priorities(1) and performed a survey of its members’ opinions, the status of implementation, and perceived hurdles blocking implementation of continuous manufacturing processes. Here we discuss the most important results of this survey and their relation to present trends in this industry to “go green”.

Traditional drug manufacturing is a time-consuming process. Active pharmaceutical ingredients are synthesized in a chemical manufacturing plant and then shipped to another site, where they are converted into giant batches of pills. Including transport time between manufacturing plants, each batch can take weeks or months to produce.

Five years ago, MIT and pharmaceutical company Novartis launched a research effort to transform those procedures. Instead of manufacturing drugs using this conventional batch-based system, they envision a continuous manufacturing process, all done in one location, which would cut down on time and cost.

Novartis machine
Researchers at the Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturing built this drug-manufacturing prototype in an MIT chemical engineering lab. The system, which consists of six connected units, can transform raw ingredients into finished drug tablets.
Photo: Dominick Reuter

Such a system would allow greater flexibility in supply and could reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing. Continuous manufacturing could also improve quality-assurance testing, says Bernhardt Trout, director of the Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturing.

“We see the future of pharmaceutical manufacturing as continuous,” says Trout, who is also a professor of chemical engineering at MIT. “That includes continuous flow together with a systems approach, integration and advanced control.”

Trout and other MIT researchers have now developed and demonstrated a prototype continuous-manufacturing system — the first that can transform raw materials into tablets in a nonstop process. The research team described the new prototype at last October’s annual meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Going with the flow

The original grant supporting the MIT-Novartis Center for Continuous Manufacturing was $40 million over the first five years, with the possibility of renewal for another five years. Researchers at the center, which includes about a dozen MIT faculty members, have been working on different components of the prototype, including reactions between drug precursors, purification, crystallization, tablet formation and monitoring of the overall process.

To demonstrate the system, the researchers built a prototype that produces tablets of a specific drug manufactured by Novartis. However, the system is designed so that components can be swapped in and out to create different drugs.

Key to the continuous system is the development of chemical reactions that can take place as the reactants flow through tubes, as opposed to the huge vats in which most pharmaceutical reactions now take place. Traditional “batch processing” is limited by the difficulty of cooling large vats, but the flow system allows reactions that produce a great deal of heat to be run safely.

For drugs that require multiple steps, new ingredients can be added to the flow at specific points. Also integrated into the system are points where the drug solution is purified. Once the final active product is achieved, it is crystallized into a solid. Any necessary inert ingredients — such as preservatives or flavorings — are added, and the drug is then molded into the traditional tablet shape.

Novartis machine
Tablets produced by a prototype drug-manufacturing system built at MIT.
Photo: Dominick Reuter

In the new prototype, all of these steps take place within an enclosure 24 feet long, 8 feet wide and 8 feet tall in an MIT chemical engineering lab. In addition to Trout, MIT faculty members involved in the project include Klavs Jensen, Stephen Buchwald, Tim Jamison, Gregory Rutledge, Allan Myerson, Paul Barton and Richard Braatz.

Several of those researchers — Jensen, Jamison and Myerson — are now also working on an even smaller, tabletop version of the technology, funded by DARPA.

Many benefits

With continuous-flow manufacturing, drug companies could manufacture drugs in small plants scattered around the globe, offering greater supply flexibility. Eliminating the need to transport drug components during the manufacturing process would also cut costs significantly: Estimates for the total cost savings of switching to continuous manufacturing range from 15 to 50 percent.

Another advantage is improved quality control, according to the center’s researchers. “Once you go to continuous, you begin to have continuous monitoring, so it’s much easier to control the quality,” says Jensen, the Warren K. Lewis Professor and head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, who developed much of the flow chemistry for the prototype system.

Continuous manufacturing also allows chemists to explore new ways to make drugs, by using reactions that would require too much heat or dangerous chemicals if performed in a huge vat. “We can use a lot of chemistry in continuous that we couldn’t use in batch,” Trout says.

Novartis recently renewed its grant to MIT for a second five-year term, during which the MIT research teams will work on new ways to form tablets, recycle catalysts and design more complex multistep syntheses, among other projects.

In the meantime, Novartis is setting up a pilot plant at its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, to create a larger-scale version of the flow technology developed at MIT. It will likely take another four years to begin commercial rollout, and another five to 10 years to convert all of Novartis’ production facilities, says Tom Van Laar, head of global technical operations for Novartis. He expects that many other pharmaceutical companies will head in the same direction.

“It’s kind of like what happened with the first iPad. When it became successful, everybody else started making tablet computers,” Van Laar says. “I think the benefits are so huge, companies are almost going to have to try to do it.”


New molecule enables quick drug monitoring

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Jun 102014


09.06.14 – Scientists at EPFL have invented a molecule that can easily and quickly show how much drug is in a patient’s system. The molecule, now the basis of a start-up company, is expected to enable point-of-care therapeutic drug monitoring.

Monitoring the drug concentration in patients is critical for effective treatment, especia


GW Pharma’s Epidiolex on fast track in USA

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Jun 082014

GW Pharmaceuticals has been boosted by the news that the US Food and Drug Administration has granted fast-track designation to the UK firm’s investigational cannabidiol Epidiolex, in the treatment of Dravet syndrome.

Read more at:

old aticle



Seven Expanded Access INDs granted by FDA to U.S. 
physicians to treat with Epidiolex 125 children suffering 
from intractable epilepsy syndromes -

LONDON, Nov. 15, 2013

GW Pharmaceuticals plc (AIM: GWP, Nasdaq: GWPH, “GW”) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug designation for Epidiolex(R), our product candidate that contains plant-derived Cannabidiol (CBD) as its active ingredient, for use in treating children with Dravet syndrome, a rare and severe form of infantile-onset, genetic, drug-resistant epilepsy syndrome. Epidiolex is an oral liquid formulation of a highly purified extract of CBD, a non-psychoactive molecule from the cannabis plant. Following receipt of this orphan designation, GW anticipates holding a pre-IND meeting with the FDA in the near future to discuss a development plan for Epidiolex in Dravet syndrome.

Dravet syndrome is a rare pediatric epilepsy syndrome with a distinctive but complex electroclinical presentation. Onset of Dravet syndrome occurs during the first year of life with clonic and tonic-clonic seizures in previously healthy and developmentally normal infants. Prognosis is poor and patients typically develop intellectual disability and life-long ongoing seizures. There are approximately 5,440 patients with Dravet in the United States and an estimated 6,710 Dravet patients in Europe. These figures may be an underestimate as this syndrome is reportedly underdiagnosed.

In addition to GW’s clinical development program for Epidiolex in Dravet syndrome, which is expected to commence in 2014, GW has also made arrangements to enable independent U.S. pediatric epilepsy specialists to treat high need pediatric epilepsy cases with Epidiolex immediately. To date in 2013, a total of seven “expanded access” INDs have been granted by the FDA to U.S. clinicians to allow treatment with Epidiolex of approximately 125 children with epilepsy. These children suffer from Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and other pediatric epilepsy syndromes. GW is aware of further interest from additional U.S. and ex-U.S. physicians to host similar INDs for Epidiolex. GW expects data generated under these INDs to provide useful observational data during 2014 on the effect of Epidiolex in the treatment of a range of pediatric epilepsy syndromes.

“I, together with many colleagues in the U.S. who specialize in the treatment of childhood epilepsy, very much welcome the opportunity to investigate Epidiolex in the treatment of Dravet syndrome. The FDA’s timely approval of the orphan drug designation for Epidiolex in Dravet syndrome is a key milestone that comes after many years of reported clinical cases that suggest encouraging evidence of efficacy for CBD in this intractable condition,” stated Dr. Orrin Devinsky, Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry in New York City. “With GW now making plans to advance Epidiolex through an FDA development program, we have the prospect for the first time of fully understanding the science of CBD in epilepsy with a view to making an appropriately tested and approved prescription medicine available in the future for children who suffer from this debilitating disease.”

“GW is proud to be at the forefront of this important new program to treat children with Dravet Syndrome and potentially other forms of intractable childhood epilepsy. For families in these circumstances, their lives are significantly impacted by constant and often times very severe seizures in children where all options to control these seizures have been exhausted,” stated Dr. Stephen Wright, GW’s R&D Director. “GW intends to advance a full clinical development program for Epidiolex in Dravet syndrome as quickly as possible, whilst at the same time helping families in the short term through supporting physician-led INDs to treat intractable cases. Through its efforts, GW aims to provide the necessary evidence to confirm the promise of CBD in epilepsy and ultimately enabling children to have access to an FDA-approved prescription CBD medicine.”

“This orphan program for Epidiolex in childhood epilepsy is an important corporate strategic priority for GW. Following receipt of today’s orphan designation, GW now intends to commence discussions with the FDA regarding the U.S. regulatory pathway for Epidiolex,” stated Justin Gover, GW’s Chief Executive Officer. “GW intends to pursue this development in-house and retains full commercial rights to Epidiolex.”

About Orphan Drug Designation

Under the Orphan Drug Act, the FDA may grant orphan drug designation to drugs intended to treat a rare disease or condition — generally a disease or condition that affects fewer than 200,000 individuals in the U.S. The first NDA applicant to receive FDA approval for a particular active ingredient to treat a particular disease with FDA orphan drug designation is entitled to a seven-year exclusive marketing period in the U.S. for that product, for that indication.

About GW Pharmaceuticals plc

Founded in 1998, GW is a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing novel therapeutics from its proprietary cannabinoid product platform in a broad range of disease areas. GW commercialized the world’s first plant-derived cannabinoid prescription drug, Sativex(R), which is approved for the treatment of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis in 22 countries. Sativex is also in Phase 3 clinical development as a potential treatment of pain in people with advanced cancer. This Phase 3 program is intended to support the submission of a New Drug Application for Sativex in cancer pain with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and in other markets around the world. GW has established a world leading position in the development of plant-derived cannabinoid therapeutics and has a deep pipeline of additional clinical-stage cannabinoid product candidates targeting epilepsy (including an orphan pediatric epilepsy program), Type 2 diabetes, ulcerative colitis, glioma and schizophrenia. For further information, please visit

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of at least 85 cannabinoids found in cannabis.It is a major constituent of the plant, second to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and represents up to 40% in its extracts. Compared with THC, cannabidiol is not psychoactive in healthy individuals, and is considered to have a wider scope of medical applications than THC, including to epilepsy, multiple sclerosis spasms,anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder,schizophrenia,nausea, convulsion and inflammation, as well as inhibiting cancer cell growth. There is some preclinical evidence from studies in animals that suggests CBD may modestly reduce the clearance of THC from the body by interfering with its metabolism.Cannabidiol has displayed sedative effects in animal tests. Other research indicates that CBD increases alertness. CBD has been shown to reduce growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells in vitro, and to reduce their invasiveness.


A New Way to Treat Diabetes?

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Jun 032014

thumbnail image: A New Way to Treat Diabetes?

Type-2 diabetes is a severe metabolic disease caused by the loss of the cells producing the hormone insulin. Since this molecule controls the up-take of glucose from the circulation, diabetic patients accumulate pathological levels of sugar in their blood.




Amidation of phenol derivatives: a direct synthesis of paracetamol (acetaminophen) from hydroquinone

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May 302014

Green Chem., 2014, 16,2997-3002
DOI: 10.1039/C4GC00166D, Communication
Roxan Joncour, Nicolas Duguet, Estelle Metay, Amadeo Ferreira, Marc Lemaire
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) was prepared from hydroquinone and ammonium acetate in acetic acid with 88% yield and >99% purity.
A direct synthesis of paracetamol (acetaminophen) from hydroquinone has been developed using ammonium acetate as an amidating agent. The reaction proceeds in acetic acid at elevated temperatures without any metallic catalyst. Under these conditions, paracetamol was obtained with high yield and selectivity (>95%). The reaction has also been carried out on the multi-gram scale (44 g of hydroquinone) and a potential process has been proposed based on the recycling of the solvent and by-products. This amidation protocol has also been extended to other phenol derivatives.


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